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MTHS Media Center Page:http://www.monroe.k12.nj.us/domain/173
MTHS Language Arts Grading: MTHS Grading.docx
HOW TO BACK UP YOUR IPAD DOCUMENTS--> How to Backup Your iPad To Google Drive Using GoodReader and Google Drive.docx
Tips for MLA Writing, Quotations, and Citations--> MLA Format.pptx Tips for MLA Writing.docx Quotations Presentation.pptx EmbeddingQuotesFromtheText copy.pptx Works Cited Info Editable.doc the-quote-sandwichpdf.pdf
DID YOU PLAGIARIZE? CHECK THIS OUT--> Plagiarism Final.pptx Did I Plagiarize Chart
A List of Character Traits---> AListofCharacterTraits.pdf
Characteristic of an EPIC HERO--> Characteristics of an epic hero.pdf
Words to use instead of "SAID": Words to use instead of said.pdf
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